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Understanding the New Email Sending Requirements from Google and Yahoo: What You Need to Know

Sending Requirements

In the ever-evolving landscape of email marketing, staying compliant with the latest standards and requirements is crucial for maintaining effective communication with your audience. Recently, both Google and Yahoo have announced significant changes to their email sending requirements, set to take effect in February 2024. These changes aim to reduce spam, enhance email security, and improve overall user experience.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the details of these new requirements and explore how you can ensure compliance to continue reaching your subscribers effectively.

The Updates at a Glance

Starting February 2024, Gmail and Yahoo have implemented stricter policies regarding the handling of emails sent from third-party providers. These changes are designed to combat spam, phishing attempts, and other malicious activities that can undermine users’ trust in email communication.

Gmail’s New Email Sending Requirements

Gmail has enforced stricter authentication measures for incoming emails, particularly those sent from free email addresses. This means that emails originating from domains like Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook will be subject to heightened scrutiny if sent through third-party email marketing platforms. Additionally, Gmail will limit the number of emails that can be sent from free email addresses within a 24-hour period.

Yahoo’s Enhanced Policies

Similarly, Yahoo has introduced measures to enhance email authentication and mitigate abuse. Like Gmail, Yahoo will closely monitor emails sent from free email addresses through third-party providers. Non-compliant emails may face delivery issues or be marked as spam, significantly impacting sender’s reputation and deliverability.

How to Comply with the New Email Sending Requirements

Ensuring compliance with Google and Yahoo’s updated sending requirements is essential to maintain the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. Here are some steps you can take to adapt to these changes:

1. Authenticate Your Emails

Implement authentication protocols such as SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) to verify the legitimacy of your emails. Proper authentication helps establish trust with email service providers and reduces the likelihood of your emails being flagged as spam.

2. Use a Custom Domain

Instead of relying solely on free email addresses (e.g.,,, consider using a custom domain for sending emails. Sending emails from a domain that you own not only enhances your brand’s credibility but also improves deliverability by reducing the risk of being associated with free email providers’ domains.

3. Monitor Sending Volume

Be mindful of the number of emails you send from free email addresses within 24 hours, especially if you’re using third-party email marketing platforms. Exceeding the prescribed limits could trigger delivery issues or spam filtering by Gmail and Yahoo.

4. Maintain List Hygiene

Regularly clean your email list to remove inactive or invalid addresses. High bounce rates and spam complaints can negatively impact your sender’s reputation, making it harder to reach the inbox. By keeping your list clean and engaged, you improve the chances of your emails being delivered successfully.

5. Stay Informed and Adapt

Stay updated on any further announcements or changes from email service providers like Google and Yahoo. The email landscape is constantly evolving, and being proactive in understanding and adapting to new requirements is key to maintaining effective email communication.

Different Recommendations for Compliance

It’s important to note that each email marketing platform may have different recommendations and compliance requirements regarding these new sender requirements. While the overarching goal is to enhance email security and deliverability, the specific implementation may vary.

What are the Benefits of the New Sender Requirements?

While these changes may initially pose challenges for businesses, they also bring several benefits that contribute to a healthier and more efficient email infrastructure.

Enhanced Security

By implementing stringent authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, email providers can effectively verify the authenticity of senders. This reduces the likelihood of unauthorised emails and phishing attempts, enhancing overall email security for users.

Reduced Spam

With stricter requirements for sender authentication and message relevance, Google and Yahoo aim to reduce the influx of spam emails into users’ inboxes. This results in a cleaner and more manageable inbox experience, where users can focus on relevant and legitimate messages.

Improved Deliverability

Proper authentication and compliance with sender requirements can significantly improve email deliverability rates. By ensuring that emails reach recipients’ inboxes rather than being flagged as spam or bounced, businesses can maximise the effectiveness of their email marketing campaigns.

Credibility and Trust

Using domain-based email addresses and adhering to authentication protocols enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of senders. This fosters positive relationships with recipients and strengthens the reputation of businesses and brands in the eyes of email providers and users alike.

User Experience

By making it easier for users to unsubscribe from unwanted emails and reducing the clutter caused by spam, these new sender requirements ultimately enhance the overall email user experience. Users can enjoy a cleaner inbox with relevant and wanted messages, leading to increased engagement and satisfaction.

Wrapping Up

As Gmail and Yahoo introduce new email sending requirements, it’s essential for marketers to proactively adjust their strategies to ensure compliance and maintain deliverability. By prioritising authentication, using custom domains, monitoring sending volume, practising list hygiene, and staying informed, you can navigate these changes effectively and continue to engage with your audience through email marketing.

Adapting to these new requirements may require adjustments to your current practices, but the long-term benefits of improved deliverability and sender reputation make it worthwhile. Embrace these changes as an opportunity to enhance the quality and effectiveness of your email marketing efforts, ultimately fostering stronger connections with your subscribers and driving better results for your business.


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